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Hallo sobat,sudah lama tidak share,dan sekarang pun bingung mau share apa?,tapi setelah baca commentar,hampir 1 yang di lupa.Yaitu share template BOX TRANSPARENT yang sudah saya edit beberapa CSSnya,Ok langsung saja.
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Sekian dari saya,Semoga bermanfaat.

Blogazine Style Black Template blogger

Hallo sobat blogger,saya kali ini bagi template blogger iyaitu " Blogazine Style " Template ini ya hasil editan,Saya share template ini karena saya lihat banyak yang make template " Blogazine Style " ini.

Gmna ? Jellekkan ? jika ada yang mau download silahkan.

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Ouu Iya.. karena saya lupa nambahin CSS Codenya
Silahkan Tambah Code berikut di atas "]]></b:skin>" / di tempat biasa kamu taruh CSS di templatemu
code { font:normal 12px/22px Monaco,Monospace !important; color:#CFDBEC; display:block; width:ancho; height:100px; overflow:hidden; margin:10px; padding:0em 1em; background:url (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Ovmq-acW6rg/T2oUkCv09wI/AAAAAAAAAc4/9pGVofiM3Yo/s1600/twitter.png) Left; } code:hover { overflow:auto; }

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Template blogger red Bit

Hallo,sobat , kali ini saya share deh template editan ku yang hampir mirip dengan BIT-XP.Template Dasarnya adalah template bit XP..jadi gitu deh..

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Gmn ? Jellekkan ? Yang mau download silahkan aja.

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Template Portal Shift-7 versi A.H.C

Beginilah jadinya.... bagaimana menurut kalian...

Kalian Bisa mengedit templatenya lagi...

Sorry ya saya g bisa ngajarin yang jelas hampir sama kaya template yang lain...

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Size : 6KB

O iya password .rarnya lupa

Password : ahcsyndicate

Sumber : A.H.C

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Itu Di Atas Prefief Template nya
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Silahkan Download Sendiri ya....!!!

Kakashi Cyan Blogger Template Edit By me

Wow template Edit Baru nih Gag usah Banyak Cerita Langsung aja ya nie dia SS nya Di edit Dari template red tobi nya Immnanuel

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Dgn Navigasi keren
+ navbar keren yg bisa di edit dgn pelengkap warna Biru violent (cyan)color
Ingaat Jangan Jadi Plagiat

Mirai Suenaga Blogger Template By DJOGZ

Hello sobat,sudah jarang sekali saya ngurusin blog,karena msh banyak tugas kuliah yg belum terselesaikan,dan juga banyak urusan pribadi (nonton anime),kali ini template yang saya buat yaitu Mirai suenaga.

Siapa itu Mirai? Mirai adalah maskot situs karakter untuk kebudayaan Jepang oleh Dannychoo Seorang blogger ternama di Jepang (dannychoo.com).Sudah ada banyak projek Mirai yang berkolaborasi dengan perusahaan Jepang seperti Good Smile Company, Cospa, Nitro Plus, Kadokawa, King Records dan masih banyak lagi.Karena karakternya yang moe,lucu,serba orange dan disukai banyak orang,banyak produk" Merchandise yang dibuat dengan karakter Mirai-chan.

Nah,untuk template yang saya buat dengan lebar 1245px ini menggunakan warna dasar orange,dan gambar maskot mirai-chan pada header dan footer.kenapa saya buat lebar sekali? sebenarnya lebarnya hampir sama dengan blog saja kq (djogzs),cuma bedanya pada bagian posting saya buat lebar,jadi cocok buat yang suka posting komik,foto" dan lainya.
menurut saya sudah jarang yang menggunakan monitor/ resolusi ukuran 800p x600px.
mungkin minimal ukuran standart pada laptop/pc sekarang antara 1024px x 768px - 1280px x 768px.so,kalau terlalu besar bisa di zoom out.untuk versi kecilnya akan saya buat lagi nanti =____=v

Selain itu,Templatie ini teinspirasi dari website www.dannychoo.com karena design'a yang serba orange,simple tapi bersih.karena itu template yang saya buat ,menggunakan warna dasar orange jugs ,serta style posting'a mirip dengan dannychoo,tetapi bukan berarti mirip 100% dan bukan hasil copy paste karena saya bukan plagiat=___=v,kalau plagiat,ga mungkin bilang dapetnya darimana xD.

Coba kamu perhatikan perbedaan'a seperti gambar dibawah ini,style post yang ada di template saya menggunakan CSS3 pada masking gradientnya dan ada hover efek'a,sedangkan pada dannycho tidak ada dan hanya menggunakan gambar png pada efek gradient'a.

kenapa saya menjelaskan hal ini?hal ini dimaksudkan agar kita tidak terbiasa copy paste css web orang lain,jadi buatlah sendiri css'a,~


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Buka blogger=>templates=>edit HTML

setelah itu cari HTML seperti dibawah ini.

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lalu ganti tanda pagar '#' dengan URL link yang kamu inginkan.

bagi yang masih penasaran,silakan dilihat demo'a~ :)

Arigatou gozaimasu minna-san and spesial thx to dannychoo, im waiting you on AFA 2012~ ^^
Selamat mencoba,semoga bermanfaat :)

Oia,saya ingatkan,kerusakan karena pengeditan/penambahan konten pada template bukan tanggung jawab saya.bila ingin redesign,ingat peraturanya,gunakan template ini dengan bijak,thx

cara download:

next template: Sword Art Online

Rikka Takanashi Blogger Templates

Akhirnya Selesai juga template Rikka'a,yah pasti tau anime yang satu ini,yang juga menjadi anime favorite saya :) template kali ini saya beri dengan tema Rikka takanashi,dari tokoh anime di seri Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai!.

Akhir" ini benar" sibuk dengan urusan kuliah,tugas menumpuk trus.tapi karena ga tahan ingin buat thema'a tentang anime Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai,sambil curi" waktu sedikit saya buat dari template dasar sword art online,saya design ulang pada bagian header,posting dan footer'a,serta memperbaiki sedikit" kekurangan dan menambahkan fungsi dropdown menu pada bagian menubarnya,karena banyak'a request menu dropdown.untuk design'a sendiri,saya mengedit'a dahulu pakai photoshop,karena minggu" ini sangat sulit untuk mencari gambar header Rikka yang cocok,jadi saya edit sendiri saja deh~.

dan untuk hasil'a kalian dapat melihat preview dibawah ini ^^


Pengaturan Menu

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Ganti tanda pagar '#' dengan url link site yang kamu inginkan.

sip deh,akhirnya lega juga~xD
Bila tertarik,silakan dicoba~xD
ok deh,terima kasih,saya undur diri lagi,mohon maaf kalau saya jarang" aktif,semoga masih ada banyak kesempatan waktu untuk saya aktif blogging lagi,mohon maaf apabila ada komentar yang tidak dibalas,masih banyak tugas menunggu di belakang,besok juga harus siap" menghadapi dosen yang killer",ampun deh~xDD
Akhir kata,Arigatou gozaimasu~

-Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan/crash karena pengeditan template yang anda lakukan.

Sebelum mencoba template ini,ada baiknya anda membaca kebijakan menggunakan template disini.

Tom Cruise Signed ‘Ghost Protocol’ Movie Poster Giveaway!

HERE IT IS!  The ‘Ghost Protocol’ movie poster signed at the top by Tom! And it can be yours if, well..ahem,  ”Your mission, should you choose to accept it” is……SIGN UP for our monthly Tom Cruise newsletter!
Yep, that’s all there is to it!
Signing up for the Tom Cruise Newsletter enters you into a random drawing to take place on Dec. 17th that will result in ONE lucky fan taking home the Tom Cruise signed ‘Ghost Protocol’ poster!

Click on this image to sign up for our monthly newsletter!
The poster measures about 27″ (68.6cm) X 40″ (101.6cm).  Tom’s signature is clearly featured at the top.  And for real movie collectors…it is rolled and shipped in a tube.  Not folded!
WAIT! You’re already a newsletter subscriber?  GREAT NEWS then,…you are already automatically eligible for the drawing on Dec. 17th!
Well? What are you waiting for?  SIGN UP FOR YOUR CHANCE TO SNAG THE TOM CRUISE SIGNED GHOST PROTOCOL POSTER!!! This blog will self destruct in five seconds.
5…4…3…2…, er, wait a second…Da RULES:

  • The recipient of the signed poster will be randomly selected before or on Dec. 17th from our Tom Cruise newsletter subscriber base ONLY. Attempted registration through any other means will not be applicable. One entry/newsletter subscription per person only. Duplicates/multiple email address entries will be disqualified.
  • The recipient must have a physical mail address.
  • The chosen recipient must respond to our congratulatory email within 48hrs alerting them to being chosen to be eligible to receive the poster. If there is no response within 48hrs, the first recipient will be nullified and a second recipient will be chosen.
  • Open to all international Tom Cruise fans age 13 or older.
  • TomCruise.com reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal value in the event the poster is lost or damaged.
  • Signed poster purchased from Charitybuzz. TomCruise.com cannot verify authenticity of signature.
Don’t forget, Tom’s next movie is ‘Jack Reacher‘ and opens in the U.S. on December 21, 2012.  Tom Cruise newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive Reacher related news and giveaways.
Leave us a comment below and be sure to connect with the entire TomCruise.com community on TwitterFacebookWhoSayOrkutGreeSina WeiboGoogle+, Tumblrand Tencent Weibo. Plus, get all the latest news and insider information when you sign up for the TomCruise.com official newsletter today!

“Rubbin’ is Racin’” – Five 200MPH Reasons To Revisit ‘Days of Thunder’

Daytona.  Talladega.  Hollywood!  
Back in 1990, Tom Cruise tore across movie screens at 200mph in ‘Days of Thunder,’ the coolest “need for speed” movie since ‘Top Gun!’
Inspired by the racing legends of NASCAR, Tom played Cole Trickle, a young stock car driver with dreams of winning at Daytona. Now, in honor of Tom co-starring with Robert Duvall, (Who played ‘Harry’ in ‘Days of Thunder’),  in the upcoming ‘Jack Reacher,‘ we’re gonna share TeamTC’s FIVE Reasons To Revisit Days of Thunder!”

Log onto the official website for NASCAR.1.  NASCAR- 75 million fans cannot be wrong!  November is always the end of a 33 race year for the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing.  This year, they’ll fill the stands at Homestead-Miami for the Ford EcoBoost200.  The three top contenders in the Camping World Truck Series(based on their current rankings) with their chassis and front clip ready for racing are Ricky Stenhouse, Jr.Elliott Sadler and Austin Dillion.  But Cole Trickle will always be our favorite underdog.  Recovering from head injuries, he overcomes his physical and mental obstacles to prove he’s worthy of walking in the Victory Lane of any NASCAR super speedway.
2.  Robert Duvall- The great American character actor plays Harry Hogge, a former NASCAR crew chief and car builder.  He’s convinced to come out of retirement to help Cole win at Daytona. It’s not going to be easy, but he takes things slow and steady. We’re reminded of how great a movie is whenever Duvall shows up.  From ‘To Kill A Mockingbird‘ to ‘The Godfather‘ to the upcoming ‘Jack Reacher,’ you can count of Duvall to bring class and confidence to any role he plays.
3. Speeeeeeeeed- Whether the car is maneuvering the banking of a track or caught in the vacuum of a draft (Cole says in the final race, “I’m gonna draft Wheeler.  Make him pull me around the track.”).  Whether on a short track or super speedway, this movie delivers some serious speed as the main attraction at a NASCAR race.  The sequences in ‘Days of Thunder’ do not disappoint as can be seen in this clip:
4.  Director Tony Scott- Having previously directed Tom in the mega-huge critical and audience hit ‘Top Gun,’ Tony was the ideal choice to bring the adrenaline pumping world of NASCAR racing onto the screen.  His ability to combine the universal humanity of characters with the extraordinary challenges they have to overcome in unique environments made him one of Hollywood’s most respected directors.  Not to mention the just plain cool scenes he was able to capture of Tom racing the hell out of those cars!  Check it out in the heart-pounding final scene.

5.  ”Rubbin’ is racin’”- No movie is complete without some unforgetable lines.  What would ‘Jerry Maguire‘ be without, “You had me at ‘Hello.’”  ’Days of Thunder’ does not disappoint.  Many of the great lines come from Robert Duvall’s character, Harry, as he patiently trains the young Cole on the ways of the track.  Our favorite is when Cole is in a race and being bumped from behind by a rival.  He complains that he’s being slammed, but Harry says the now classic line, “No, no, he didn’t slam you, he didn’t bump you, he didn’t nudge you… he ‘rubbed’ you.  And rubbin, son, is racin’.”By the way, we’re not the only ones who love this movie and have reasons for watching it again.  Check out this recent blog from On All Cylinders.
Okay, now its your turn.  In the comments section below, tell us your favorite reason(s) for watching ‘Days of Thunder.’
Be sure to connect with the entire TomCruise.com community on TwitterFacebookWhoSayOrkutGreeSina WeiboGoogle+, Tumblrand Tencent Weibo. Plus, get all the latest news and insider information when you sign up for the TomCruise.com official newsletter today!

Top 24 Tom Cruise Movie Characters Chosen By RottenTomatoes.com

Click on this image to view the Top 24 image gallery on Rotten Tomatoes
Ethan Hunt?  Maverick?  Jerry Maguire?  Who is your favorite Tom Cruise character?  With over 32 major motion pictures over an incredible 30 year career, Tom has given fans like us unforgettable images we collect on our walls, on our computers and in our memories.
His next movie, ‘Jack Reacher,’ is opening TODAY, Friday, December 21st in the U.S.! (click here for international dates, sites & showtimes & tickets).  To celebrate the opening of ‘Jack Reacher,’ the popular film rating site RottenTomatoes.com chose 24 amazing images of Tom from his films over the years.  Click through to the gallery to find out if your favorite is included!
Click on this image to view the Top 24 image gallery on Rotten Tomatoes
We were lucky to be able to see the action packed, crime fighting thriller ‘Jack Reacher‘ a couple of weeks ago.  We can assure you there are countless iconic images that will easily be added to the ones we’ve all come to love since the beginning.  Here are three of our favorites from ‘Jack Reacher:’
Jack Reacher ‘borrows’ this 1970 Chevy Chevelle for a breathless car chase
Jack Reacher stands before the historic Pittsburgh South Street Bridge surveying a crime scene
Jack Reacher’s powerful presence is captured in this iconic image
Join the Jack Reacher online fan community at these official sites:
For all the latest Tom Cruise movie news, click here to sign up for the exclusive monthly newsletter.
What is your favorite Tom Cruise character? Be sure to connect with the entire TomCruise.com community on TwitterFacebookWhoSayOrkutGreeSina WeiboGoogle+, Tumblrand Tencent Weibo. Plus, get all the latest news and insider information when you sign up for the TomCruise.com official newsletter today!

HILARIOUS! Jimmy Fallon In Water War With Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise on 'Late Night With Jimmy Fallon'
What could possibly be more awesome than a game of WATER WAR with JIMMY FALLON that includes a WATER CANON?!?!?!?  While promoting the December 21st U.S. opening of ‘Jack Reacher‘ (Click here for international dates, sites & showtimes & tickets), Tom made a late night talk show appearance on NBC’s ‘Late Night With Jimmy Fallon.’  Fans of Tom know that when it comes to competition, he likes to WIN! Does he?!?!? Fill up the water glasses, ready the water canon, and watch to see who gets DOUSED!!!!!
Before that outrageously funny fight, Tom sat down with Jimmy to discuss ‘Jack Reacher‘ and holiday planning.  This first clip gives us a little personal look into what Tom was like as a child.  Hint: smart business man in the making!
The next clip focuses more on the making of the action packed crime thriller ‘Jack Reacher.’ Find out what was Tom’s worst injury while kicking some serious A** as Jack Reacher.
Judd Apatow (‘Knocked Up‘ and ‘The 40 Year Old Virgin‘) was also on the episode promoting his upcoming movie, ‘This Is 40.’  Here is his hilarious tweet from backstage! Do you want your own version of their hilarious backstage photo?  Just click on this Tom Cruise and Judd Apatow backstage photo link.
You can watch the entire episode below, including Judd Apatow’s interview after meeting Tom Cruise backstage.
For more late night talk show laughs, click here to watch Tom’s appearance on CBS’ ‘The Late Show with David Letterman.’
Join the Jack Reacher online fan community at these official sites:
For all the latest Tom Cruise movie news, click here to sign up for the exclusive monthly newsletter.
Leave us a comment and be sure to connect with the entire TomCruise.com community on TwitterFacebookWhoSayOrkutGreeSina WeiboGoogle+, Tumblrand Tencent Weibo. Plus, get all the latest news and insider information when you sign up for the TomCruise.com official newsletter today!

YOUR ‘Jack Reacher’ Reviews Are IN!

Click to visit the Jack Reacher website!YOUR ‘Jack Reacher’ reviews, (The ones that really count;), are IN!
If you don’t see your ‘Jack Reacher’ review below, leave your Twitter or Facebook handle in a comment below and we’ll add it!
We’re so happy you loved ‘Jack Reacher!’ and Happy Holidays!

Jack Reacher’s powerful presence is captured in this iconic image
Join the Jack Reacher online fan community at these official sites:
For all the latest Tom Cruise movie news, click here to sign up for the exclusive monthly newsletter.
What is your favorite Tom Cruise character? Be sure to connect with the entire TomCruise.com community on TwitterFacebookWhoSayOrkutGreeSina WeiboGoogle+, Tumblrand Tencent Weibo. Plus, get all the latest news and insider information when you sign up for the TomCruise.com official newsletter today!

Point Blank Offline 2012

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Bukti Video Game Play PB OFFLINE/LAN . silahkan klik dibawah ini
Semua weapon, karakter/robot dan item sudah berada di inventory.
Biar jelas tulisan" yang ada di videonya ganti setingan video dengan kualitas 480p 
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Maaf bahasanya sedikit masih ngaco. 
tapi yang penting sudah bisa main secara offline/lan.
Minimum Spesifikasi Komputer

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Detail Game Lainnya

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* Ragnarok Offline kro client job 4
* Ragnarok Offline versi naruto shippuden more custom equipment
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