Tanpa Password
*Working for all crossfire version1. Features :
WallHack F10
Chams F11
Crosshair F12
2. Requirements :
D3DX9_43.dll, click this to download (extract to CF folder)
(extract to CF folder)
Microsoft C++ 2008 Redistributable
3. How to use this cheat :
Extract downloaded CF_072012_RCD.zip to any directory
Open injector in the inside the .zip
If inject process success you will be notified with MessageBox
If inject not success make sure you have adminstrator privileges, you can try inject again
4. Changes :
Nice chams color
Clearer ghost body
“out of memory” bug
Using this cheat at your own risk Posted Image
This cheat does not contain any malware, if your AV detect malware inside this cheat, that is false positive Posted Image
Menggunakan cheat dapat menyebabkan ketagihan, impoten, gangguan kehamilan dan janin
Tutorial Indonesia :
Copy D3dx9_43 ke folder CF anda << misal di letakan di Local-dick C-Program File-Folder CF anda
Buka Injector ,,
Buka Cf nya
play play heppi cheatting <<klo terinject akan muncul message box/noticenya!!
Created Richard Yusan a.ka RCD
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